Friday, November 18, 2011

Anybody who read white oleander?

All people who read white olaender?

i recently bought the book white olaender and i'm not finished but i really like it so far but in chapters 7-9 i think theres a lot of talk about making love and whores and sex does that continue throughout the book because if it does then i'm not interested in finishing it because i really don't like that sorta thing

but i really really want to finish it because so far it's great other than thoose couple of chapters i just want to know if they continue talking about it because i'd really like to finish it because the plot line is just AMAZING

Anybody who read white oleander?
It's been a few years since I read it but I'm pretty sure it doesn't continue throughout the whole novel. It's really minimal. I remember this book leaving me with mixed feelings while I was reading it because some of the things talked about are a little taboo but when I was finished I was glad I read it. It is a great book and well written. Keep reading, I think you'll be fine...but I don't know how old you are. I was 22 when I read it.

It's a great book but a little edgy.
Reply:turns out pretty weird. I did like the book %26amp; think that is was worth the read. I really did not care for the ending, But some times dissapointment works. This is not a perfect world,
Reply:Well, i saw the movie, and the movie isnt based on sex. That was just one thing she went through.

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