Friday, November 18, 2011

Will an Oleander plant survive outside during a St. Louis MO winter?

Don't you get snow there? Not only will it not survive cold, but since it is an evergreen bush and not very strong, the snow will crush it.

Will an Oleander plant survive outside during a St. Louis MO winter?
No, it's not a subzero plant at all. So if you must, plant in the warmest part of the yard (southern exposure??) and mulch like anything over winter. OR grow it in a big container and roll it a semi heated location for the winter...problem there is the roots are above ground tho in a may still be too cold. It's a big gamble, don't base your landscape around it.
Reply:Answer No. Unless you cut the plant way back at the end of your growing season. cover the remainder of the plant in pine bark. wrap it with a gunney sack, Before you consider Oleander this plant is highly toxic to children pets and Domestic birds. Good luck.
Reply:My guess would be no. You might Google "oleander" and see what you get.

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