Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What are some classics books everyone should read?

Hey, I new at this reading stuff..but I've found out its cool..please help me out here...

I want some classics...not just the ''Bridget Jones'' and ''White Oleander'' and ''She Comes Undone'' stuff which were excellent but I want something older and wise

What are some classics books everyone should read?
You've gotten some good suggestions so far.

In American Lit., definitely Huckleberry Finn, also The Catcher in the Rye, anything by William Faulkner.

In Brit. Lit., Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, virtually anything by Dickens.

World Lit., Anna Karenina, Madame Bovary, Siddhartha.

Could go on and on...but see below for a good list broken down by reading level:
Reply:You're welcome...happy reading!!! Report It

Reply:All should read------ The Cucilble, Tom Sawyer, Hucklebeyy Finn, The Most Dangerous Game, and Night (bt Elie Wisel)
Reply:the once and future king (t. h. white)

gone with the wind (margaret mitchell)

pride and prejudice (jane austen)

on the road (jack kerouac)

and while these aren't classics, i highly recommend anything by pat conroy, john irving and stephen king
Reply:My favorite book is Robinson Crusoe. Its not my typical genre but I absolutely love it. Another book I was suprised I liked was Oedipus. Its really short (shorter than Of Mice and Men) and easy to understand and the story is just great. Definetly Where the Red Fern Grows and Anne Frank's Diary, if you have not already read those. You should try some Hemingway, probably The Sun also Rises. He is not my taste but alot of people think he is the best.
Reply:"A Tree Grows In Brooklyn"

"Tom Sawyer"

"The Canterbury Tales"

"Little Women"

"Where The Red Fern Grows"

"The Secret Garden"

Just to name a few...
Reply:Memoirs of a geisha by Arthur Golden.
Reply:Catcher in the Rye

Pride and Prejudice



The Jungle

Lord of the Flies

Huckelberry Finn


Little Women


The Scarlet Letter
Reply:"Fahrenheit 451" Ray Bradbury

"Animal Farm" George Orwell

"1984" George Orwell

"Brave New World" Aldous Huxley

"Oedipus Rex/ Antigone" Sophocles

"The Once and Future King" T. H. White

"The Metamorphosis" Franz Kafka

"The Odyssey" Homer

"The Picture of Dorian Grey" Oscar Wilde
Reply:Gosh how long of a list do you want? feel free to email me for more.

Great Expectations: Charles Dickens

The Power and The Glory :Graham Greene

The Sun Also Rises: Ernest Hemingway

The Grapes of Wrath: John Steinbeck

East of Eden: John Steinbeck

A Good Man is Hard to Find: Flannery O'Connor

American Pastoral: Phllip Roth

Huck Finn: Mark Twain
Reply:Jane Eyre.

The Mill on the Floss

The Diary of Anne Frank


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