Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What do my favorite books say about me as a reader?

Top three:

White Oleander by Janet Fitch

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden

The Red Tent by Anita Diamant

Help me find common characteristics?

What do my favorite books say about me as a reader?
I think you are adventurous and diverse. I also sense intelligence and a desire to explore new things and ideas.

For the record, I read 'Memoirs of a Geisha' a few months ago and simply fell in love with the story. I was crushed at the end when Golden reminded me that the story was fiction...although I knew that when I started the book. Somehow, while reading, the story came to life for me and I truly though it was a biography until the end.
Reply:You like books about females living in oppressed circumstances.
Reply:You are a very deep person. Very strong and bold.

I sound like a clairvoyant! which i am definitely not.

I like your question a lot...gave it a star....our favorite books say a lot about us!


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