Sunday, May 16, 2010

What books should I read? Any suggestions for a teen?

I love to read. My favorite books were:

-The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky (my all-time favorite)

-Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

-Go Ask Alice by Anonymous

-My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

-Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews

Those were the best ones I've ever read. :) I'm not really all that into fantasy books, nor am I into ones that are just PACKED full of action (thats one of the things that annoyed me about Twilight; the action was too much, got boring, and a bit repetitive.)

Here are some books I'm considering reading:

-The Catcher in the Rye

-Angus, Thongs, and a Full Frontal Snogging

-Who's Your Daddy

-A Great and Terrible Beauty


-Romiette and Julio

-Song of the Sparrow

-Before I Die

-More Jodi Picoult books. Suggestions?

-White Oleander

-Blood and Chocolate

-She's Come Undone

-Such a Pretty Girl

-If You Come Softly


-Sarah Dessen books

-Lessons From a Dead Girl

What do you think? Any book suggestions?

What books should I read? Any suggestions for a teen?
hmm...EXCELLENT choices.

I would recommend: "Cheaper by the Dozen" (not the movie xD), "Belles on THeir Toes" (sequel), To Kill A Mockingbird, That Was Then, THis is Now, and And Then There Were None.

Jodi Picoult...omg i luff her xD

19 Minutes: Deals with a high school shooting. The shooter is Peter Houghton, and in the book you explore his deep past, emotions, and how is world came tumblign down.

Keeping Faith: A little girl claims she can see and speak to "God" after she catches her father and a woman having an affair at home.

Plain Truth: An amish girl gives birth to a baby out of wedlock....however it is discovered dead in the barn. She refuses to admit that she gave life to it...what's her past? her history?

The Pact: A pure love story between two best friends. One nite while spending a romantic nite together alone by a merry go round...the girl is murdered/committed suicide. The boy (Chris) is left to the deal with this. Did he kill his gf? What was the true story behind it?

One Picoult book i would say not to read is the Tenth Circle. Deals with suicide and father/daughter relationships. I didn't really like it though it was interesting. Mrs. Picoult left a puzzle in it along with comics introducing each new chappie. Btw...My Sister's Keeper..coming out as a movie soon.

Jodi Picoult also has a new book...idk the title though %26gt;.%26lt; sorry.

Sold: A young girl (13 yrs old) is sold into sexual slavery in Nepal/India. How will seh get out of the "Happy House"?

I'm also thinking of reading Land of Pi too. Its about how a boy survivied on a lifeboat..with only some animals including a tiger.

His Dark Materials series (Golden Compass) is about a young girl Lyra and her demon and the adventures/mysteries she deals with.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn: The story of a girl's life in Brooklyn as a child to teen. She deals with various issues (early 1900's), money, jobs, school, love, and a alcoholic father whose quite a dreamer. This one is quite long and gets boring but its worth it.

O and one last one. . . the Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot..or any of her books.

Reply:The Locket by Evans

A Walk to Remember by Sparks

Julie by Marshall

The fAce on the Milk cArton by Cooney

A Girl of the Limberlost by Porter

Little Women by Alcott

Julie by Marshall

To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee

A Gown of Spanish Lace by Oke

No Promises in the Wind by Hunt\

The Shunning by Lewis

The Day of the Storm by Pilcher

The Hobbit by Tolkien

The Acorn People by Jones

Cheaper by the Dozen by Gilbreth

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Smith

The Rag Nymph by Cookson

The Blue Bottle Club by Stokes
Reply:Ghost Boy by Ian Lawrence

Naughts %26amp; Crosses series by Malorie Blackman

The Other Boleyn Girl by Phillipa Gregory

The Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith

Children of the River by Linda Crew

Uglies trilogy by Scott Westerfeld

Seven Deadly Sins series by Robin Wasserman
Reply:You should definitely read "A Great and Terrible Beauty" as well as other books by Libba Bray. Also, Sarah Dessen's books (esp. "Just Listen") should be right up your alley. In addition, you might enjoy books by Melissa Marr ("Wicked Lovely").

Try reading some classics like Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey" or "Persuasion", Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist" , and Thomas Hardy's "The Mayor of Casterbridge."

To find more books at libraries near you, check out

Happy Reading!
Reply:i forgot who the author was but the book is called the funhouse
Reply:I liked "It happened to nancy"

"It's kind of a funny story"


"She said yes"
Reply:I have read A Great and Terrible Beauty, and the other two books in the Gemma Doyle Trilogy, and they're really good. I think you would like them. Blood and Chocolate is good too, though the movie sucked. I haven't read any of the others.
Reply:Of the ones you are already considering, I've read 'Atonement', 'Catcher in the Rye', and 'Nineteen Minutes' by Jodi Picoult. I've also read 'Romeo and Juliet', but think you might be referring to something else? In any case, all three of those books (and the play) are highly recommended reading! You can't go wrong with the first two (or the play!), and 'Nineteen Minutes' is a very interesting take on a sensitive contemporary topic.

Other suggestions for you, keeping in mind the books you mention you enjoyed:

'The Time Traveler's Wife', Audrey Niffenegger (read this!!!!)

'Jane Eyre', Charlotte Bronte

*anything* by Jane Austen

'The Other Boleyn Girl', Philippa Gregory

'A Thousand Splendid Suns', Khaled Hosseini

'To Kill a Mockingbird', Harper Lee

'Wuthering Heights', Emily Bronte

Hope that helps!!
Reply:you said that u read Twilight...but have u read the series....New Moon and Eclipse...those books are amazing as well....
Reply:Great list you have! I thought i'll bring Tuesday with Morrie by Mitch Albom on your must-read, it's short, simple and inspiring. Happy reading.
Reply:My favorite Jodi Picoult is The Pact - it's absolutely amazing. Her book Salem Falls is also really really good. I wouldn't recommend The Tenth Circle, though - I'm a huge JP fan and I was not impressed.

Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging is hilaaaaaaarious - and there are sequels. Catcher in the Rye is also fantastic. She's Come Undone is good, but it's pretty heavy stuff. My mom didn't want me to read until after I graduated.

Anything by Gregory Maguire I know you would love. My personal favorite is, of course, Wicked, and the sequal, Son of a Witch. He has a really interesting take on everything - looking at your choices, I know you'd love it.

The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory is also really really good. It's got some pretty sexual parts, though, so if you're not into that you might want to wait. But it's one of the best historical fiction books that I've read.

Good luck! All of those sound really good.
Reply:Well, I'm into sci-fi and a couple of good ones are by Robert Heinlein and great for teens:

"Podkayne of Mars"

"Red Planet"

"The Door Into Summer"

I loved 'em!!! Hope someone else does too!!
Reply:If you end up liking Song of the Sparrow, I would suggest also Avalon High by Cabot.

The Gorginia Nicholson books (Angus...) aren't too bad you might also like the adult book Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding

-13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson

-Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

-I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter

-The Boyfriend List by E. Lockhart

-An Abundance of Katherines by John Green

-Nick %26amp; Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn

-Crank by Ellen Hopkins

-Cut by Patricia Mccormick
Reply:I love Twilight :D

The Mediator by Meg Cabot, i loved the series

check it out

The Catcher in the Rye is actually really pretty good!

mobility scooter

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