Sunday, May 16, 2010

What do you think of my top 38 list of favourite movies?

1) Scarface

2) Goodfellas

3) The Weather Man

4) Casino

5) About Shmidt

6) Taxi Driver

7) Thirteen

8) Sea of Love

9) Frankie and Johny

10) White Oleander

11) As Good as it Gets

12) Fight Club

13) Shawshank Redemption

14) Million Dollar Baby

15) St. Elmo’s Fire

16) Groundhog’s Day

17) The Big Lebowski

18) Ace Ventura

19) One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

20) Dangerous Minds

21) Titanic

22) Welcome to Collinwood

23) Sideways

24) The Breakfast Club

25) The Family Man

26) Meet the Fockers

27) A Streetcar Named Desire

28) A Home of Our Own

29) Dumb and Dumber

30) Matchstick Men

31) Sleeping With the Enemy

32) Stealing Harvard

33) The Cable Guy

34) Farris Bueller’s Day Off

35) Pulp Fiction

36) Some Like it Hot

37) Ocean’s 11

38) Rain Man

What do you think of my top 38 list of favourite movies?
Eliska great choose! As I can see you are fan of Michelle Pfifer, me also:)
Reply:Brilliant,especially 1,2,6 and 19.
Reply:You got some great films on that list. I'd have a whole bunch of Tim Burton films and Harry Potter on there though lol. I really want to see fight club!! What is it like??
Reply:That is a very good list of movies.
Reply:need the movie Juno in there!

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