Sunday, May 16, 2010

What michelle pfeiffer movies?

were also books other than white oleander and the age of innocence

What michelle pfeiffer movies?
The Witches of Eastwick - - novel by John Updike

Dangerous Liaisons - - famous French novel Les Liaisones dangereuses

The Russia House - - novel by John Le Carre'

A Thousand Acres - - Pulitzer prize winning novel by Jane Smiley

The Deep End of the Ocean - - novel by Jacqueline Mitchard

A Midsummer's Night Dream - - play by William Shakespeare (birthday on April 24)

Stardust - - based on Neil Gaiman novel (script by director Matthew Vaughn)
Reply:..Stardust, I believe was a book before it was turned into a movie. While she is not the title role, she plays the evil witch (and she does a really good job with it too)
Reply:Stardust is one

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