Friday, May 21, 2010

What kind of palm trees can I plant for privacy in Zone 9 California Desert?

I live in zone 9, very dry. We had a crazy winter 2 years ago causing my new neighbor to cut down their oleanders to our 5 ft fence height and now we can see everything each other does. So I decided it is time to put in my own shrubs. Anyway where can I get some affordable palms that are hardy to this dry area? Yes I can water. I don't want huge palms I actually like those skinny leaf palms with out the spikes, but don't know what they are called. Any suggesttions please?

What kind of palm trees can I plant for privacy in Zone 9 California Desert?
Better to put nice quality lemon, lime and orange plants in close proximity and trim them will serve your purpose as well you will have the best fruits for your good health and longevity, tree ripe is different then the store ripe and insecticide sprayed fruit
Reply:Thank you. Report It

Reply:oleanders are very rapid growing plants so they should be back to there original hight in like 2-3 years


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